San Diego Whistleblower Attorney

This is personal for us. We know the difference between right and wrong and have based our entire careers on reminding others of that distinction.

Top San Diego Whistleblower Attorney

Miracle Mile Law Group, LLP is a group of San Diego whistleblower attorneys specializing in Whistleblower and Qui Tam litigation. After years of representing individuals who speak up against large corporations, we have noticed that highly regulated industries such as healthcare, finance, and government are marred with a high level of illegal activities. However, San Diego whistleblowers are essential in protecting consumer rights and protections.

Taking the decision to be a whistleblower is courageous due to the fact that many of these individuals put their career reputations on the line for the benefit of society. However, the government has recognized the need to protect these individuals from retaliation.

Some of the most common whistleblower protection laws in California include:

Labor Code Section 1102.5: this section is by far the broadest of all California whistleblower laws. 1102.5 essentially makes it illegal for employers to retaliate against employees who report violations of law to either the authorities or to someone within the company that can rectify the illegal behavior. Also, the illegal behavior that the whistleblower is complaining about does not have to actually be illegal so long as the whistleblower had a good faith belief that it was.

Labor Code Section 98.6 this section makes it illegal for employers to retaliate against employees who report labor code violations to the CA Labor Commissioner’s Office.

Labor Code Section 6310 & 6311: prohibits retaliation against any employee who reports a safety issue.

Labor Code 6399.7 prohibits retaliation against employees for filing a complaint with the occupational safety and health administration.

Government Code Section 12940(h) prohibits retaliation against employees who oppose or report discrimination or harassment based on racereligioncolor, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, age, or sexual orientation.

Health and Safety Code Section 1278.5: these laws protection health care professionals who blow the whistle on unsafe, wasteful, or fraudulent behavior by healthcare facilities.

Government Code Sections 8547-8547.12 which specifically prohibits retaliation against state employees for exposing instances of waste, fraud, abuse of authority, violation of law or threat to publish health.

Whistleblower Retaliation

Whistleblower claims are often complex and convoluted. In fact, whistleblower claims rely on a copious amount of technical knowledge. Our lawyers are trained and determined to understand the industry in which the whistleblower “blew the whistle.” It is important to seek out qualified legal advice at the earliest possible time to ensure that you protect your rights.

Our lawyers offer a free consultation to discuss your situation and the avenues available to you. We will not push you or overwhelm you, but rather we will patiently listen to your story as we know this is an emotionally distressing time.

Why Choose Miracle Mile Law Group

Our top San Diego whistleblower attorney handles various different types of whistleblower cases including those in which:

  • You are wrongfully terminated for reporting fraud to your boss
  • You are prevented from brining information regarding potentially illegal behavior to top officials within the company
  • You are financially hurt because you reported a violation of law.

Our clients come to Miracle Mile Law Group because they know our firm understands employee rights and how to protect these individuals from retaliation during and after the whistleblower reporting. We will help you understand your rights. Our lawyers have a team of staff behind them to make sure every claim we take on has a chance at success.

Call our San Diego whistleblower attorney at 888-244-0706 to schedule a free initial consultation or contact us online.