Los Angeles Labor Attorney

This is personal for us. We know the difference between right and wrong and have based our entire careers on reminding others of that distinction.

Top-Rated Los Angeles Labor Attorneys


What are the Different Types of Discrimination?

Disability Discrimination: according to the Americans with Disabilities Act, a disability is defined as an individual with a physical or/and mental impairment that substantially limits the individual from one or more major life activities. However, the protection of the law does not only pertain to individuals who fit the criteria as disabled according to the Americans Disabilities Act.

Firstly, individuals who have a record of a disability, yet do not have it currently, would be protected by the law. For example, an individual who has had cancer treatments in the past and is now in remission is considered disabled.

Race Discrimination: according to the law, does not have a concrete definition of race, yet includes skin color/pigmentation. You cannot be treated differently due to your race.

Familial Status: individuals discriminated against because of his or her marriage or association with an individual of a different race would be protected by the law. Secondly, individuals discriminated because of his or her membership in or association with an ethnic-based organization or groups would be protected by the law.

Religious Discrimination: Religion, according to Title VII, includes all aspects of religious observances and practices as well as beliefs. However, mere personal preferences are not religious beliefs and beliefs are not protected merely because they are strongly held.

Age Discrimination Age, according to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, includes individuals 40 years of age or older. However, individuals identified under 40 are not protected by law.

Sex and Gender Discrimination: Sex and gender, according to the law, are synonymous because discrimination is prohibited regardless of whether it is based on sex and/or gender. However, social scientists use the term “sex” when referring to an individual’s biological identity and use the term “gender” when referring to an individual’s maleness or femaleness.

What Steps Should I Take to Protect My Rights?

  1. Investigation
    1. An individual who felt wronged reaches should reach out to a Los Angeles discrimination lawyer to investigate. The investigative process serves as an opportunity for the lawyers to gather facts to validate a case against the employer that wronged their client.
  2. Negotiation
    1. After gathering facts, negotiation between the defendant and the plaintiff can occur.
  3. Demand Letter
    1. After the negotiation, your attorney can send a demand letter asking for compensation and a resolution of your claims.
  4. Counter Offer
    1. After receiving and reviewing the demand letter, the defendant usually sends a counter-offer that they believe can resolve your claims.
  5. Settlement
    1. After sending offers back and forth, both parties can agree to settle and achieve an agreement without furthering the issue.
  6. Filing a Lawsuit
    1. After negotiation, if both parties still disagree, then you can file a lawsuit that will later be litigated in court and try your case in front of a jury.

What Are the Damages in an Employment Lawsuit You Can Bring Forth Against Your Los Angeles Employer?

If the plaintiff wins the case, the individual attains remedies.  Some examples of remedies are mentioned below.

  1. Back Pay: Loss in past earnings
  2. Front Pay: Loss in future earnings
  3. Emotional Distress Damages
  4. Punitive Damages
  5. Attorneys’ Fees

When in doubt, consult a lawyer. When addressing a complaint, ensure that everything is done in writing

Get In Touch With the Los Angeles Office of Miracle Mile Law Group

The Los Angeles employment attorneys at Miracle Mile Law Group are dedicated to upholding and aiding the workplace rights of employees who have been wrongfully terminated, discriminated, sexually harassed, or retaliated against for illegal reasons.

Our Los Angeles employment law firm recognizes that the needs of each worker is unique, and we take great satisfaction in offering specialized care in employment disputes including disability discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, whistleblower retaliation, wage and hour disputes, and many more.

Unlike other employment law firms, we have each matter cautiously assessed by our crew of qualified lawyers and we designate a group of experts to the matter. When you choose us, you can be confident that:

  • You will instantly speak to a California employment attorney for your case
  • You will receive a 100% free conference regarding your employment dispute from an actual Los Angeles labor lawyer
  • You will receive the maximized amount of settlements from your case, including compensation for distress, lost wages and earning capacity, and even punitive damages for egregious behavior

Give us a call at (888) 244-0706 or fill out the form by clicking here for a free consultation!