Orange County Workplace Discrimination Attorneys

This is personal for us. We know the difference between right and wrong and have based our entire careers on reminding others of that distinction.

Strong Advocacy for Orange County Employees When Employers Discriminate in the Workplace


Top-Rated Orange County Workplace Discrimination Attorneys

Workers for employers in Anaheim, Santa Ana, and Irvine, and other parts of Orange County have the right to expect they will be judged based on their abilities and work performance – and not their identity characteristics. Workers at Disneyland and all other tourists, technical, health, and other businesses across the county should assert their rights if an employer discriminates against them based on their race, national origin, and many other personal character traits.

At Miracle Law Group, our Orange County employment attorneys represent job applicants who aren’t considered for employment because of how they look or who they are. We fight for workers who are fired or who can’t advance in the company due to discrimination. We work for employees when employees create a hostile work environment that makes your job undesirable. We advocate for Orange County employees when employers won’t consider you for a promotion or better job opportunities because of workplace discrimination. Should you or a loved one require our Orange County Workplace Discrimination Attorneys, we encourage you to call our firm 7 days a week for a free consultation.


What types of discrimination are considered unlawful in Orange County?

Federal and/or California laws generally protect employees from discrimination based on:

  • Race
  • National origin
  • Color
  • Age – 40 years old or older
  • Marital status
  • Genetic information
  • Pregnancy
  • Religious beliefs
  • A disability (physical, mental, HIV, and AIDS)
  • Certain medical conditions
  • Gender
  • Gender identity/expression
  • Sexual orientation
  • Military status
  • Other identity qualities

What federal and state laws safeguard Orange County employees from discrimination?

Federal and California laws protect most employees from discrimination in the workplace. Generally, employees can file claims before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the California Department of Employment and Housing if an employer discriminates against them. These agencies should investigate your claim and attempt to provide a solution with your employer. If an agreement cannot be reached, then employees in Orange County have the right to file a lawsuit in federal or state court.

Our seasoned Orange County workplace discrimination laws will explain if the employer is covered by the law (some laws depend on how many employees the company has). Generally, California’s employment laws apply to employers with 5 or more employees while federal laws apply to workers with 15 or more employers. Don’t assume you don’t have a case. Always speak with our skilled employment discrimination cases to learn if you can file a claim.

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Titles VI and VII, protects employees from discrimination based on color, religion, country of national origin, or race. This law applies to employers that are:

“engaged in an industry affecting commerce who has fifteen or more employees for each working day in each of twenty or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar year, and any agent of such a person, but such term does not include… the United States, a corporation wholly owned by the Government of the United States, an Indian tribe, or any department or agency of the District of Columbia subject by statute to procedures of the competitive service.”

The Civil Rights Act:

  • Applies to most employers including – individuals, corporations, partnerships, governments, federal agencies, labor unions, mutual companies, and others.
  • Prohibits discrimination in hiring, termination, pay, and the privileges of employment, The laws also provide that Orange County employers can’t discriminate by “limiting, segregating, or classifying employees or applicants” – so that the employee’s work is adversely affected.
  • Identifies:
    • What evidence do you need to prove discrimination
    • What damages you can seek
    • Whether any exceptions apply
  • How the EEOC can enforce the law

What other laws protect Orange County employees from discrimination?

Other laws that protect workers from discrimination include:

  • The Equal Pay Act of 1963. This federal law requires that males and females who have the same work experience and the same skills – receive the same pay. The Equal Pay Act also forbids discrimination (based on sex or gender) in hiring, workplace benefits, work opportunities, and firing.
  • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA). This federal law provides legal rights for workers 40 and older who are fired because of their age. Many employers fire older workers so they can hire younger workers at lower salaries.
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This federal law protects works with disabilities. The law applies to “employers, including state and local governments, with 15 or more employees.” The law also protects disabled workers when Orange County employers retaliate (by firing or adversely affecting employment) when a disabled worker asserts his/her rights. The law also requires that employers provide ““reasonable accommodations” for workers with disabilities.
  • Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 503). This federal law also helps disabled workers. The law “requires affirmative action in the hiring, placement and advancement of people with disabilities by federal contractors or subcontractors.”
  • The California Fair Employment and Housing Act. (CFEHA). California also protects workers from employment discrimination. The law applies to most Orange County employers. It protects employees and even some contractors. In addition to discrimination protection in hiring, firing, and work opportunities, the CFEHA protects employees from sexual harassment and other types of harassment that are based on a person’s identity characteristics. This California law allows has “reasonable accommodation” requirements.

What remedies can Orange County employees demand?

Our Orange County Workplace discrimination attorneys file claims in federal and state agencies and courts. When discrimination occurs, we demand:

  • That you are reinstated to your or be properly considered for employment.
  • That you be promoted if the discrimination is why you weren’t promoted.
  • That you are paid all the wages and benefits you lost because you weren’t properly hired, were denied a rightful promotion, or because you were wrongfully terminated.
  • That the employer pays:
    • Your lawyer fees.
    • Damages authorized in the statute.
    • Punitive damages.
  • That the employer takes proactive steps to ensure others don’t suffer workplace discrimination.

As a rule, we file your claim first before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.  If those agencies don’t resolve your claim, then the agency should give you a “right to sue” letter. This letter means we can file a lawsuit before a federal or state judge.

It’s important to act quickly if you suffer any type of workplace discrimination. You need to take steps to obtain your records and preserve the evidence of discrimination. The sooner you file your Orange County discrimination claim, the sooner the agency or court can decide your case. To speak with our experienced Orange County workplace discrimination lawyers, call the Miracle Mile Law Group today. You can phone us at (888) 244-0706 or fill out our online form for a FREE case evaluation