Orange County Wrongful Termination Lawyer

This is personal for us. We know the difference between right and wrong and have based our entire careers on reminding others of that distinction.

Orange County Wrongful Termination Lawyer

It is easy to understand why Orange County is rife with wrongful termination, as the county is the 25thmost conservative in the United States. Hiring an Orange County wrongful termination lawyer is essential in fighting employers who take advantage of employees’ rights.

What is Wrongful Termination?

Wrongful termination occurs when you are fired for an illegal reason. Illegal reasons include but are not limited to protected characteristics or protected activities. It is unlikely that your boss will explicitly state that the reason you are being let go is for a reason that is against public policy. However, through skilled investigative work it may be possible to show that you are entitled to financial compensation for being wrongfully dismissed.

How Much Does an Orange County Wrongful Termination Lawyer Cost?

Here at Miracle Mile Law Group we get a number of Orange County residents asking us how much our services cost. Our response is absolutely nothing unless we win. Our lawyers believe that if we were to charge regular employees hourly fees to go up against corporate America, then employers would have free reign to do whatever they want. Accordingly, we work on a “contingency” basis.

What is a Contingency Fee?

Contingency agreements between an Orange County wrongful termination lawyer and an aggrieved employee essentially means that the plaintiff only pays the lawyer a percentage of the settlement or verdict. That means you don’t pay a single dollar out of pocket.

Further, “fees” and “costs” are two different concepts. Fees are what you pay your lawyer. On the other hand, costs are necessary expenditures to litigate your case. This includes filing a lawsuit, taking depositions, and deposing witnesses. Our lawyers will advance the costs associated with litigation and will only get reimbursed once the case settles.

How Does Having an Orange County Wrongful Termination Lawyer Help Me Win My Case?

A lawyer will assist in proving that you were fired for either a protected activity or protected characteristic. In order to win your case, you’ll need to prove that that basis of your termination was due to one of the two. How will a lawyer help you accomplish this?

An attorney will know which documents are relevant to your claim and will help you get everything together. Also, an Orange County employment attorney will help you identify the conversations, emails, and testimony that are relevant to your lawsuit. Most importantly, an employment attorney will go to court on your behalf.

One of the last steps in a wrongful termination lawsuit is trial. Pleading your case in front of a jury is often times the most grueling aspect of a wrongful termination case. However, our skilled lawyers are ready to fight if called upon.

Have an Orange County Wrongful Termination Lawyer Review Your Case Today!

Miracle Mile Law Group is a team of focused advocates for employee rights in California labor law. We have the skills and experience to help employees learn about their legal options.

QUICK, FREE, & Confidential Case Evaluation

Miracle Mile Law Group will review your situation and guide you through the next course of action including: how to coach you in requesting accommodations, negotiating a settlement or litigation, arbitration or mediation to get you the maximum compensation possible. Call us at (888) 244-0706!